PERMACULTURE: Garden Principles (online)
Permaculture is a framework for growing food plants, and you can either embrace it all OR incorporate aspects of permaculture into the place you call home. To get a taste of permaculture’s potential, this 2-hour ONLINE workshop will summarize the ethics, principles, and techniques that make this an eco-conscious gardening choice. Course Objectives > Summarize the ETHICS AND PRINCIPLES of permaculture as a holistic design process and as a lifestyle choice. > Summarize the DESIGN GUIDELINES for permaculture in temperate zones and explain the design process. - explain the value of reading the land and how pattern language is used to create holistic landscapes - explain sectors and zones - merge the principles with the design concepts > Summarize the ABIOTIC EFFECTS (e.g. weather: temperature, precipitation, seasonal change; soil: pH, texture, structure; light quality: sun/shade) on the BIOTIC ASPECTS (e.g. animals, plants, fungi, bacteria) of the landscape. > Explain how a permaculturist looks at PLANTS: their functional qualities as well as their aesthetic attributes. > Summarize ENERGY FLOWS in the landscape: polycultures, guilds, water catchment, keeping the energy on the land; offer options for the suburban / urban garden. > Discuss the PRACTICALITY of permaculture within a modern lifestyle. Permaculture concepts can fit into any garden! There will be interactive Q&A time with the instructor to help you begin your permaculture journey. NOTE 1: This is a LIVE, online workshop -- Debra will periodically pause the presentation to answer your questions! Handouts distributed before class. NOTE 2: We will offer an IN-PERSON design workshop at CGS on Sat. April 26. INSTRUCTOR: Known as “The Garden Sage”, Debra Knapke is passionate about gardening, sustainable garden design, and the natural world. She enjoys sharing knowledge through her writing, public speaking, and garden consulting in the private and public sectors. She has served on local and national committees and boards that focus on education, the environment, and sustainability. In addition, she has mentored the future of the landscape industry at Columbus State Community College for 24 years. She loves being a gardener and has packed an amazing variety of perennials, trees, shrubs, and edibles onto the 2/3-acre lot surrounding her home. [Footprint image created by Peter Bane, Permaculture teacher and mentor.]

Upcoming Sessions
Cancellation Policy
Please contact us at least 72 hours prior to class to cancel your registration. Refunds are subject to a 10% fee to cover processing costs. (Refund policy for materials fee, if applicable, may vary and is included in class description.) In most cases, you can transfer your class enrollment to a friend -- just let us know! Please note, we do NOT record or distribute our online presentations.
Contact Details
+ (614) 404-7236
1350 East Cooke Road, Columbus, OH, USA