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Available Online

Low-Maintenance Gardening (ONLINE)

Starts Apr 22
24 US dollars
Online Class

There’s nothing like late summer to humble the gardener. Many of our once-vibrant landscapes have been grazed by deer, beaten down by sun, and overtaken by weeds, and this workload can overwhelm even experienced gardeners. But a vibrant, eco-conscious, low-maintenance garden is achievable, and fall is the perfect season to begin this journey. This ONLINE course takes an accessible permaculture approach toward creating your resilient, self-sufficient, easy-to-manage garden. We will explore how to support and enhance natural processes to benefit the garden, and how to make all of this happen in an environmentally conscious way, covering topics like: > Designing for less maintenance > Selecting resilient plants that thrive in your specific environment > Using efficient watering and water-capture techniques to save time and money > Building soil fertility without hauling wheelbarrows of compost > Groundcover and cultivation techniques to reduce weed pressure > Optimizing your garden's layout for natural pest control > Steps to take in the fall for a low-maintenance spring garden! During this ONLINE course, you'll receive approximately 90 minutes of interactive instruction with a Q&A, and take home a comprehensive handout filled with actionable steps to transform your garden into a self-reliant haven. Ready to reclaim your time and reignite your passion for gardening? Join us for "Strategies for Low-Maintenance Gardening" and start your journey toward a garden that grows with you, not against you. ** Would you rather take this class in-person at CGS? We're offering LMG on Sunday, April 6 at 1:00-3:00 PM. It's 30 minutes longer contains a participatory activity to help prepare you for summer gardening. It costs a little more - $30 (vs. $24 for online). ** INSTRUCTOR: Ayla Bella seeks to address climate change and food insecurity through permaculture and urban food forests. She founded Rooting Resilience, a local nonprofit working to establish forest gardens on public land, and Nourish: Ecologically Thoughtful Gardens, a garden consultation business to help people create yards that are beautiful, sustainable, and edible. She is a certified permaculture designer, a Master Gardener Intern, and a Stinner Climate Ambassador.

Upcoming Sessions

Cancellation Policy

Please contact us at least 72 hours prior to class to cancel your registration. Refunds are subject to a 10% fee to cover processing costs. (Refund policy for materials fee, if applicable, may vary and is included in class description.) In most cases, you can transfer your class enrollment to a friend -- just let us know! Please note, we do NOT record or distribute our online presentations.

Contact Details

+ (614) 404-7236

1350 East Cooke Road, Columbus, OH, USA

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