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Available Online

Grow Amazing Asparagus (online)

Starts Mar 29
12 US dollars
Online Class

* This is our LAST CLASS on growing asparagus for 2025! * Fresh asparagus – is there a more delicious way to welcome Spring? We think not! Asparagus with butter and lemon, roasted asparagus with a sprinkle of Parmesan cheese, asparagus with pasta … and have you ever eaten raw baby asparagus? It’s SO good. Asparagus is astonishingly easy to grow in the Midwest – and once planted, it continues to produce for up to 20 years. This perennial vegetable needs a little extra love and understanding to prepare the soil and to continue growing abundantly, so it’s worth the effort to do the research. The instructor will share her own experience so you can grow spectacular spears of asparagus! We’ll cover the basics in this ONLINE class: > Growing from seed vs. crowns > Where to grow asparagus in the garden – and why it matters > Best cultivars for Midwest gardens – and some to avoid > Soil preparation – amendments and fertilizers > Pest, disease, and weeding solutions > How and when to harvest your asparagus > Yearly maintenance to keep your asparagus growing better - year after year! ** SPECIAL OFFER! Buy 5 or more 'Millennium' asparagus crowns from CGS and you can attend this class for FREE! Buy your bareroot asparagus crowns FIRST* (at and we'll send you the class link upon request. No need to pay for this class unless you're feeling magnanimous. Crowns are scheduled to arrive at CGS in mid-April for customer pickup; see product page for more info. This offer is valid until we run out of asparagus crowns. ** INSTRUCTOR: Tisa Watts, a garden educator and public speaker with 20+ years of experience, has a degree in Horticulture and Landscape Design. She is the founder of the Columbus Garden School, which offers year-round workshops on gardening, homesteading, home maintenance, sustainability, and crafting topics. Tisa started her current asparagus bed in 2019 and invites you to check it out at the CGS demonstration garden. * Supplies are limited. When we're sold out of asparagus, we're out!

Upcoming Sessions

Cancellation Policy

Please contact us at least 72 hours prior to class to cancel your registration. Refunds are subject to a 10% fee to cover processing costs. (Refund policy for materials fee, if applicable, may vary and is included in class description.) In most cases, you can transfer your class enrollment to a friend -- just let us know! Please note, we do NOT record or distribute our online presentations.

Contact Details

+ (614) 404-7236

1350 East Cooke Road, Columbus, OH, USA

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