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Our propagation classes are so successful, we have new shrubs to sell! We use hardwood cuttings from the large, established red- and yellow-twig dogwood shrubs growing here at the Columbus Garden School. Our plants for sale are 2-3 years old, depending on pot size.


Red AND yellow dogwoods: Upright, multistemmed shrubs grow to 7'x7' if left unpruned. Dark green leaves are followed by flowers and lipid-rich white berries treasured by native birds. Stem color is strongest on newer branch growth; prune out the oldest, largest stems at the end of each winter to encourage new growth. Prefers full sun/part shade and regular moisture, but these tough shrubs are adaptable to soil once established.


  • Red-twig dogwood (Cornus sericea, red osier) - Red stems poking out of snow can brighten your winter holidays. Cut stems also make wonderful table decor.
  • Yellow-twig dogwood (Cornus sericea 'Flaviramea') - The yellow branches almost glow on dreary January days in the Midwest!


1-gallon shrub, either color: $15

2-gallon shrub, either color: $20

3-gallon shrub, either color: $25


  • Pickup is at the Columbus Garden School, 1350 E. Cooke Rd, Columbus OH 43224. Arrange a pickup time before coming to CGS by sending text or email first.

    Text 614-404-7236

  • Please pick up your plant(s) within 7 days of submitting your order. Plants not retrieved within 7 days of purchase are considered abandoned (no refunds) and will be donated at CGS discretion.


Slight size differences in plant divisions. You choose your plant when you come for pickup (or let us pick for you). First come, first served! No holds without payment. When they're gone, they're GONE!

Red or Yellow Twig Dogwood (shrub)

PriceFrom $15.00
Out of Stock
  • Pick up is at the Columbus Garden School (1350 E. Cooke Rd, Columbus OH 43224). We do NOT ship plants; local delivery may be possible for large orders.

    Inspect your purchase carefully before you leave the garden school. All sales are final.

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