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Using form and shape to create visual impact in the garden, by Noël Kingsbury. Hardcover in excellent condition. Original price $19.95.


"What are bold plants? This is not a particular horticultural group; a bold plant can easily be a perennial as a climber, tree or shrub. The quality that defines them is the dramatic contribution they make to the structure of a garden, bold plants leap out from among the rest by virtue of a striking overall form or the shape of individual leaves; they immediately demand the attention of anyone entering a garden."


Your purchase (and book donations) help support the programs and facilities at the Columbus Garden School. Thank you!

Bold and Exotic Plants

  • Pick up is at the Columbus Garden School:
    1350 E. Cooke Rd, Columbus OH  43224


    Please arrange a time-window to pick up your purchase by texting/calling (614) 404-7236 first.

    Inspect your purchase carefully before you leave the garden school; all sales are final.

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