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The American black elderberry (Sambucus canadensis) is a terrific edible plant for both humans and wildlife! High in antioxidants, the dark purple berries are considered a "super-fruit" for the many nutritional benefits they provide. Our native birds think they're pretty darn awesome, too.


From the Franklin County Soil & Water Conservation District website, our plant source a year ago: "A greatly versatile shrub that can reach 5-12’ in height. Adaptable in locations that receive sun or part shade with average well-drained soils. Blooms appear June-July and are followed by 0.25” purplish-black berries that attract songbirds, upland birds and other wildlife. Fruits can also be used to make jam, jellies, pies, and wine. Tolerant of black walnut trees." Plants will spread by root sucker and will form thickets if the suckers are not removed. Happiest with regular water and full sun.


1-gallon pot elderberry shrub: $15

3-gallon pot: $25


  • Pickup is at the Columbus Garden School, 1350 E. Cooke Rd, Columbus OH 43224. Arrange a pickup time before coming to CGS by sending text or email first.

    Text 614-404-7236

  • Please pick up your plant(s) within 7 days of submitting your order. Plants not retrieved within 7 days of purchase are considered abandoned (no refunds) and will be donated at CGS discretion.


Slight size differences in plant divisions. You choose your plant when you come for pickup (or let us pick for you). Photo shows plant in both 1-gallon and 3-gallon pots. First come, first served! No holds without payment. When they're gone, they're GONE!

Black Elderberry (shrub) - 1g and 3g pots

Out of Stock
  • Pick up is at the Columbus Garden School (1350 E. Cooke Rd, Columbus OH 43224). We do NOT ship plants; local delivery may be possible for large orders.

    Inspect your purchase carefully before you leave the garden school. All sales are final.

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